segunda-feira, julho 20, 2009


Sinto que é por aqui que passam as alternativas, o que é indissociável da crítica dos modelos de crescimento, nas suas variantes capitalista e socialista (pelo menos como foi imposto no passado):

The present economical and ecological crisis are part of a more general historical conjoncture : we are confronted with a crisis of the present model of civilization, the Western modern capitalist/industrial civilization, based on unlimited expansion and accumulation of capital, on the "commodification of everything" (Immanuel Wallerstein), on the ruthless exploitation of labour and nature, on brutal individualism and competition, and on the massive destruction of the environment. The increasing threat of the breakdown of the ecological balance points towards a catastrophic scenario - global warming - that puts in danger the survival itself of the human species. We are facing a crisis of civilization that demands radical change.

Ecosocialism is an attempt to provide a radical civilizational alternative, rooted on the basic arguments of the ecological movement, and of the Marxist critique of political economy. It opposes to the capitalist destructive progress (Marx) an economic policy founded on non-monetary and extra-economic criteria : the social needs and the ecological equilibrium. This dialectical synthesis, attempted by a broad spectrum of authors, from James O'Connor to Joel Kovel and John Bellamy Foster, and from André Gorz (in his early writings) to Elmar Altvater, is at the same time a critique of "market ecology", which does not challenge the capitalist system, and of "productivist socialism", which ignores the issue of natural limits.

Michael Lowy, in Znet

P.S. O artigo completo pode ser lido aqui