quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2006

Hayekismo do dia

À atenção de quem acha que os governantes eleitos devem sobre tudo legislar e regular e que no seus desígnios estará só o "bem comum". À atenção de quem vê a CRP como justificação dessa atitude. Lido num artigo, cuja leitura completa se recomenda, de Walter E. Williams (via WND):

A much better explanation for the millions going to the campaign coffers of Washington politicians lies in the awesome growth of government control over business, property, employment and other areas of our lives. Having such power, Washington politicians are in the position to grant favors. The greater their power to grant favors, the greater the value of being able to influence Congress, and there's no better influence than money.(...)

If Congress did only what's specifically enumerated in our Constitution, influence-peddling would be a non-issue simply because the Constitution contains no authority for Congress to grant favors and special privileges.

Nearly two decades ago, during dinner with the late Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek, I asked him if he had the power to write one law that would get government out of our lives, what would that law be? Professor Hayek replied he'd write a law that read: Whatever Congress does for one American it must do for all Americans.
He elaborated: If Congress makes payments to one American for not raising pigs, every American not raising pigs should also receive payments. Obviously, were there to be such a law, there would be reduced capacity for privilege-granting by Congress and less influence-peddling.

Adenda: O Miguel Noronha já tinha referido este texto no Insurgente. Para variar, antecipou-se.