quinta-feira, setembro 23, 2004

A OCDE publica o "Economic Survey - Portugal 2004"

Os pontos abordados são suficientes para nos lembrar do muito que há por fazer:

"Key challenges and issues:
Growth performance improved over the 1990s, but public finances lack strength and the catching-up process has stalled. The priorities are to spur potential growth and to ensure sustained fiscal discipline.(...)

Structural policies to lift Portugal’s living standards:
What should be done to raise productivity growth and allow catching up in living standards? Have insufficiencies in the education and training systems been appropriately addressed? How well does the labour market perform? Is the business environment innovative, friendly and competitive?

The fiscal challenge:
What should be done to put public finances on a sound footing? Is enough being done to reform the public administration and the pension system?

Of special interest: The public administration reform

Of special interest: Ageing-related pressures on public finances

The ongoing reform of the health care system:
Is the reform of the health care system addressing most of the sector’s weaknesses? What more should be done to achieve durable improvements in efficiency and quality of health care?"