quarta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2005


No dia em que na Alemanha são divulgados os números do desemprego (5 milhões) mais altos desde os anos 30 e que em França se discute alterações à lei das "35 horas" (uma das bandeiras de Jospin, que esteve recentemente em Portugal, ajundando a campanha do PS), os socialistas europeus estão apostados em manter viva a Estratégia de Lisboa.

Via EUobserver:
"(...)José Manual Durao Barroso is due to unveil Brussels' proposal to "refocus" the Lisbon Strategy.A draft copy of the document, obtained two weeks ago by the EUobserver, makes no mention of the 2010 goal, although the text is subject to change. The proposal aims to redirect the Lisbon Strategy towards boosting growth and employment. The original plan - agreed in 2000 - was based around three pillars; economic, environmental and social. The draft also suggests that a "Mr Lisbon / Mr Jobs and Growth" should be appointed in each member state to give individual countries more "ownership" of the process. (...)But the Socialist Group in the European Parliament emphasised that the social and environmental aspects of the Lisbon Strategy should not be lost in the bid for stronger economic growth.(...)"Europe's socialists will not stand for a blinkered economic vision that leaves the people and their environment out", [The President of the Socialist party, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen] added."