Acordo de paz no Sudão: e Darfur?
"Everyone is acutely aware that this agreement is almost certainly the last chance for Africa's largest country to stop itself splitting apart(...)Complaints of discrimination by the Arab government in Khartoum against the Christian and Animist south, which sparked the war, are echoed in the current rebellion in Darfur in Western Sudan."
Apesar deste acordo, no oeste do Sudão, a região do Darfur continua palco da actividade da milicia arábe apoiada pelo governo de Cartum. O SG das Nações Unidas (que já aprovou duas resoluções ameaçando sanções) manifestou-se preocupado:
"Mr Annan said the build-up of weapons and intensification of violence, including air attacks, suggested the security situation in Darfur was deteriorating.He said both the government and rebels had repeatedly violated the ceasefire agreement, and the government had started a massive build-up of forces and logistics.(...)The secretary general said the Sudanese government was not taking any action to bring militia leaders accused of widespread killings to justice, and instead was once again including them in military operations.
Mr Annan said the two sides had failed to use the momentum offered by the agreement between rebels in the south and Khartoum(...)"
Apesar deste acordo, no oeste do Sudão, a região do Darfur continua palco da actividade da milicia arábe apoiada pelo governo de Cartum. O SG das Nações Unidas (que já aprovou duas resoluções ameaçando sanções) manifestou-se preocupado:
"Mr Annan said the build-up of weapons and intensification of violence, including air attacks, suggested the security situation in Darfur was deteriorating.He said both the government and rebels had repeatedly violated the ceasefire agreement, and the government had started a massive build-up of forces and logistics.(...)The secretary general said the Sudanese government was not taking any action to bring militia leaders accused of widespread killings to justice, and instead was once again including them in military operations.
Mr Annan said the two sides had failed to use the momentum offered by the agreement between rebels in the south and Khartoum(...)"