terça-feira, janeiro 25, 2005

Genocídio em Darfur

Enquanto as Nações Unidas vão ponderando se se pode nomear os acontecimentos de Darfur como um genocídio, as Janjaweed, mílicias árabes apoiadas pelo governo do Sudão, continuam a desalojar e a matar os habitantes de origem negra, muçulmanos não árabes.
Via BBC:
"Some 70,000 people have been killed and more than 1.5m forced from their homes.
Lobby group Human Rights Watch is calling for the Sudan government to be prosecuted at the world court for failing to stop the violence in Darfur. (...)

The US has already said that a genocide is being conducted against Darfur's black African groups. If the UN agrees, it would carry a legal obligation to take action.
The US has pushed for sanctions to be imposed against Sudan but other members of the UN Security Council have managed to remove any direct threat of sanctions from previous resolutions.Human Rights Watch has accused China and Russia of acting to preserve their oil contracts and weapons sales respectively."