Este texto do jornal Guardian, sobre os motins raciais que assolaram Birmingham, ilustra bem uma das consequências funestas do multicultutralismo (entendido na sua dimensão institucional, com responsabilidade para os organismos do Estado, para as associações do género da SOS Racismo e para as mais diversas personalidades erigidas à condição de líderes das comunidades) de que já aqui dei conta, quando me iniciei nestas coisas da blogosfera. A saber : a ênfase nas diferenças entre as comunidades e não naquilo que as une; ou dito de outro modo, aquilo que os indivíduos têm em comum, independentemente das pertenças raciais, étnicas ou religiosas.
Multiculturalism has moved on. Where 30 years ago "black" often sufficed to cover both black and Asian communities - each seeking to resist white racism - now multiple identities and communities have emerged: Africans have separated from Afro-Caribbeans; Somalis from Yemenis; Yemenis themselves into three groups; Asians into even more - Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, with a succession of subgroups. Intergenerational attitudes make the scene even more complex. As the CRE's Trevor Phillips noted last month, one shortcoming of multiculturalism was that it concentrated too much on emphasising the differences between groups and too little on the values they shared.
Multiculturalism has moved on. Where 30 years ago "black" often sufficed to cover both black and Asian communities - each seeking to resist white racism - now multiple identities and communities have emerged: Africans have separated from Afro-Caribbeans; Somalis from Yemenis; Yemenis themselves into three groups; Asians into even more - Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, with a succession of subgroups. Intergenerational attitudes make the scene even more complex. As the CRE's Trevor Phillips noted last month, one shortcoming of multiculturalism was that it concentrated too much on emphasising the differences between groups and too little on the values they shared.