quarta-feira, abril 26, 2006

Debate global, estilo local

Tom Palmer, sobre o seu debate com Francisco Louçã (facilmente se reconhece, nas palavras de Palmer, o característico estilo demagógico e "espumante" de Louçã):

I think that I did rather well in my debate with Francisco Louçã (...), a leader of the Portuguese Left Bloc, member of parliament, and professor of “economics” (meaning, history of thought) in Lisbon. He had no evidence, no coherent arguments, but lots of invective (he referred to the “lies” I offered in my remarks and the “falsified statistics” on which the “lies” were allegedly based), lots of foaming at the mouth about unrelated topics (why the U.S. should not attack Iran, for example), and strange excursions into the history of economic thought, especially how Leontief had shown that additional investment in capital-rich economies represented a “paradox.” I don’t think he made many converts, or even any.